License and Provision to fit
Optimising cost of your Microsoft 365 Subscriptions, Azure, and software licences
Precisely defining the features and functions needed and adjusting subscriptions, recurring costs and licenses has a lot of potential to reduce costs.
Also measuring the actual usage of the cost-intensive features and optimizing with cheaper or third-party solutions can be an option.
Benefit from proven approach “license and provision to fit”.

We analyse your requirements or existing licence packages analyses your requirements or existing licence packages and captures unused licence functions within licence packages and tools. In doing so, we pay attention to which functions of a licence package are actually required and used in day-to-day business. Individual functions can often be replaced by much cheaper and more effective alternatives.
Which functions requires which licence?
Microsoft 365 offers a confusing mass of licence package, licence options, additional functions, add-ons and add-ins. It is often not clear to those involved which function requires which licence. But neither is it clear which functions are not included in certain functions.

In everyday work, many functions and products of the Microsoft 365 Suite can make the work of users easier. Numerous Microsoft products and functions are also available to improve security and meet legal requirements.
The easiest way is to purchase the largest, but also the most expensive licence packages to be able to use everything.
In practice, often not all products and functions are used. There are also further gradations within the products and functions.
We will find your
“licence to fit” supports your organisation at various levels, firstly to determine the actual demand, then the actual use, and to determine the right licences. The “licence to fit” strategy aims to allocate the smallest possible licence sum for users to specific and intelligent mechanisms.
When comparing or allocating workstation requirements and the functional scope of the licence, the technical and operational consequences are always taken into account.
This allows you to save costs in the long term or to select the right licence package for your employees in advance without having to deal with additional work or additional costs in day-to-day operations. The internal optimisation of individual groupings involved can thus be minimised in the interests of the entire organisation